Title: Safe Rating: PG13 Wordcount: 0.5k Warnings: Spoilers for Regal's background Beta: vyctori Disclaimer: Do not own. Summary: There are different types of safety. He'll swap the one for the other.
Title: A Father Without A Son Rating: PG13 Wordcount: 1.3k Warnings: Spoilers for Lloyd's background Beta: vyctori Disclaimer: Do not own. Summary: A certain someone reflects on his relationship with Lloyd while keeping watch.
Title: Beloved Daughter Rating: PG13 Wordcount: 1k Warnings: Spoilers for the Tower Beta: vyctori Disclaimer: Do not own. Summary: What could make a person willing to give up their heart and memory? Where does the inferior being become the superior?
Title: Blink Rating: PG Wordcount: 1.1k Warnings: none Beta: vyctori Disclaimer: Do not own. Summary: Being a guidance counselor wasn't in Botta's job description. Especially not to his boss at three in the morning.